
Cando or Experience, Which do Employers want?

So far I have noticed that this Diddy show mirrors thoughts I have had far more than I want to admit. While the contestants are overly dramatic, occasionally unprofessional, and sometimes downright stupid, they still are doing what I am doing; working hard to get a job.

I realized this at my internship today. When I went looking for something to do (in the words of Jim, "Never be bored Alex!) I was hit with the question, what do you want to learn to do? And my response, was immediately "Anything you can teach me. I want to learn everything."

The reason it reminds me of Diddy, is because one character on there (I see them as characters and not humans for the most part) has nicknamed himself "CanDo" as in "I can do anything". And I admire that spirit and I know you need that to succeed. But what I can't admire is his on air work-ethic. He never seems to work on things that he considers "below him". And I can't admire that.

So that got me to thinking, I want to learn things so I can do everything there is but this can cause me to do the tasks slower because I need to learn them once. Cando on the other hand can do things that he know realtively fast. So which is the best benefit to employers in today's economy. Would they rather have a young, willdo attitude with a learning curve, or a slightly more experienced cado person that might not be able to do as many things?

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